V.V.B.C.-Friends' Book Suggestions-March 2011, List 2
Here's part two of the list of book suggestions from friends, posted March 16th. Feel free to add your suggestions in the comments!
Babette Wald: I'm reading "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo". About 200 pages in...and good so far. (Jamie's Note: This was a Sisterchick Book Club selection before I joined, and from what I recall, most everyone thought the story was riveting, albeit somewhat sexually graphic. I agree. Several members said they'd read the sequel, and liked it.)
Annelle Trigg Johnson: Loved My Reading Life
Search my archives for post titles starting with V.V.B.C.)
Sheron Craig Womack: I'm reading a dumb mystery and A Secret Gift in which a man traces his father's monetary gifts during the great depression. He finds as many people as possible to see how these gifts might have changed them and their families. Non-fiction. (Jamie's note: I read A Secret Gift. I thought it was interesting and inspirational.)A Secret Gift: How One Man's Kindness--and a Trove of Letters--Revealed the Hidden History of the Great Depression
Karen Carbonneau: Pillars of the Earth...very good. (Jamie's Note: I loved Pillars of the Earth and the Sequel: World Without End. There is a tv series on Pillars of the Earth (on Starz) that was VERY well done!)Ken Follett
Peggy Perry: Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption
Samuel A. Waters: 'The Bostonians.' The Bostonians
Cathie Lopez Breath....the autobiography is the woman who lived in an iron lung. What a writer! Breath: A Lifetime in the Rhythm of an Iron Lung: A Memoir
Julie Lasserre The Lotus Eaters by Tatiana Soli Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard
Laurye Campbell Ray "Breaking Night" book by a young woman who went from tragic childhood to homeless teenager to Harvard.Breaking Night: A Memoir of Forgiveness, Survival, and My Journey from Homeless to Harvard
Jana Graf getting ready to read Jodi Picoults new book that came out this week..."Sing You Home"...Sing You Home: A Novel
recently read "The Kitchen House"by Kathleen Grissom, excellent...The Kitchen House: A Novel
Julie Taylor Fitzgerald Just read "Homer's Odyssey", sweet story of a blind cat (Valentine's Day present from my sweetie ♥)Homer's Odyssey: A Fearless Feline Tale, or How I Learned about Love and Life with a Blind Wonder Cat
Mona McChesney Williams "How to SELL a House FAST in a SLOW Real Estate Market" William Bronchick & Ray Cooper, 2009.How to Sell a House Fast in a Slow Real Estate Market: A 30-Day Plan for Motivated Sellers
I'll be adding lots of these books to my "To Read" list! Comments?