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Friday, April 22, 2011

Easter Trip Down Memory Lane!

Easter Trip Down Memory Lane!

One of my favorite childhood books was The Enchanted Egg (A Rand McNally Elf Book.)

This was a story about an "enchanted egg" that rolled down a hill, and caused quite a stir among an elf and his animal friends!

When the friends looked inside the egg, there was a view of a castle, complete with princess and knights in shining armor! 
 When my niece, Tricia, was about 8, we took a class together on making "enchanted eggs," from sugar and egg whites. Afterward, when I had my own children, I made "enchanted eggs" with them. That was many years ago. 

Today, with Tricia here, along with my great-niece Chloe, Blake's girlfriend, Faith, my mother, Betty White Stewart, Tricia's friend Kari, and Kari's daughter, Averi, we all produced new "Enchanted Egg Masterpieces!" We also baked Easter sugar cookies, which we haven't yet decorated!  

I scanned and made color copies of the inside of the egg, from the book, "The Enchanted Egg," for my background, and added a plastic horse in the foreground. 

A close up of MY Enchanted Egg! My great-niece Chloe read "The Enchanted Egg" book today, before she made her enchanted egg. After sharing my trip down memory lane with Chloe, I realized there are now four generations of my family who are enchanted by enchanted eggs! Representatives of all four generations were there! Click Here for More Photos.

LINK to Directions for Making Eggs. 

We had a fun, albeit exhausting, day! What a GOOD FRIDAY, literally! As the 1983 song by Carmen declares, "Sunday's on the Way!" 
(Lyrics and video below!) Happy Easter, y'all! 
Close up of my "copy" of the Enchanted Egg from the book that was one of my Childhood Favorites!

Sunday's On The Way 

The demons where planning on having a party one night.
They got beer and Jack Daniels and pretzels,
a little Red wine, and some white.
They were celebrating how they crucified Christ, on that tree.
But Satan, the snake himself, wasn't so at ease.
He took his crooked finger and he dialed the phone by his bed,
To call an old faithful friend, to know for sure, that he was dead.

He said, "Grave, Grave tell, did my plan fail?"
Old Grave just laughed and said, "Oh man, the dude is dead as nails."

Well hey, hey, hey on Friday Night, they crucified the Lord at Calvary,
But He said, "Don't dread, in three days, I'm gonna live again, you'll 
When problems try to bury you and make it hard to pray,
It may seem like Friday night, but Sunday's on the way!

A tranquilizer and a horror flick could not calm Satan's fear.
So Saturday night, he calls up the grave...scared, of what he'd hear.
"Hey, Grave, what's goin' on?"
Grave said, "Man, you called me twice, and I'll tell you, once more 
again boss, the Jew's on ice!"

Devil said "Man grave, do you remember when old Lazurus was in his grave?

You said everything's cool and four days later, BOOM, Ol' Lazurus, he was raised!
Now this Jesus, He is much more trouble than anyone has ever been 
to me.
And look, Grave, He's got old Devil shook cuz He said, He's only 
gonna' be dead for three!"


Sunday morning Satan woke with a jump, ready to blow a fuse.
He was shaking from the tips of his pointed ears,
to the toes of his pointed shoes.
He said "Grave tell me is He alive? I don't want to lose my neck!"
Grave said, "Your evilness, maintain your cool. You are a wreck!"
Grave said, "Now just cool your jets, Big D, my sting is still intact,
You see, Jesus is dead forever, he ain't never coming back,
so just mellow out man, just go drink up or shoot up,
but just leave old Grave alone, and I'll catch you la.....

Then the stone was rolled away and it bounced a time or two,
and an Angel stepped inside and said, "I'm Gabriel, who're you?
And if you're wondering where the Lord is, at this very hour,
I'll tell you He's alive and well, with resurrection power!"


  1. Cute idea, Jamie. Looks like a fun day with the family.

  2. Ok, hadn't heard that Carmen song in forever, but AWESOME! Thanks for posting!


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